English Sajem Tan Gloss Back-translation
1. The purple background is to be the color #550020 and the yellow foreground is the be the color #ffd42a. 1. Con #550020 ommêt nynytin söjemum tüžnöm kê con #ffd42a ommêt gatin söjemum jëšnec. LEX #550020 PART-ful red.purple color-GNO field and LEX #FFD42A PART-ful yellow color-GNO emblem The field is a #550020 red-purple and the emblem is a #FFD42A yellow.
2. The flag is of a 3:2 ratio. 2. Vyk cimûtsazemnocum ţüvmyţatvmê tysösöm kê fët cimûtsazemnocum zovmê gasösöm. three equal.measure-GNO flag-GEN width and two equal.measure-GNO 3P.SG.INAN-GNO height The flag's width is three equal measures and its height is two equal measures.
3. The swallowtail cuts into the flag one third of the distance. 3. Ţüvmyţattysösömvmê vykukmunžê ţefmintysösöm cimûtum. flag-width-GEN three-opposite-ABL swallowtail-width equal-GNO The swallowtail's width is a third of the flag's width.
4. The height of the emblem is to be three quarters the height of the flag 4. Ţüvmyţatgasösömvmê vyk löcukmunâžê jëšnecgasösöm cimûtum. flag-height-GEN three four-opposite-PLUR-ABL emblem-height equal-GNO The emblem's height is equal to three fourths of the flag's height.
5. The hexagons must remain regular hexagons; in other words, they must retain equal side length. 5. Xekdûfnetcenâ cimûtumgân göm, kê xekdûfnetţefminâ cimûtumgân göm. hexagon-line-PLUR equal-GNO-REFL must, and hexagon-angle-PLUR equal-GNO-REFL must The hexagon's sides must be equal to each other, and the hexagon's angles must be equal to each other.
6. The emblem is to be justified vertically and horizontally within the square formed between the far left side of the flag and the inner point of the swallowtail. 6. Gasösöm kê tysösöm ţefminxêtlöcdûfnetvmatum jëšnecvmê jyt. height and width swallowtail-less-square-middle-GNO emblem-GEN place The emblem's place is the center of the swallowtailless square by height and width.
7. The width of the lines in the emblem are to be 2.5% the height of the flag. That is to say, if we assume that the height is 200 arb. units, the width of the lines would be 5 arb. units. 7. Ţüvmyţattysösömvmê fötlöcukmunžê xekdûfnetcenâ cimûtum. Kêtuc, rëcföt vykxek fët cimûtsazmenocum fmök tysösöm, jo rëc cimûtsazemnocum xekdûfnetcenâ. flag-width-GEN thirty.six-four-opposite-ABL hexagon-line-PLUR equal-GNO. for.example five-thirty.six two-six two equal.meausure-GNO SUBJ width, therefore five equal.measure-GNO hexagon-line-PLUR The lines of the hexagons are equal to one fourtieth of the flag's width. For example, if the width is 200 equal measures, then the hexagons' lines are five equal measures.